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The Importance of Goals and how to Achieve them

Why are Goals important? Because data shows that success is more likely if your goals are clear, written and followed by actions. How to turn your Goals from ideas into actions and realized results? Read on to find out and get the free Guide to Goal Setting.

People not only work better, but they are also happier when they have goals and achieve them - and not just for work, but in life in general.

Why Goals make you more Successful?

Ever listen to an interview with a successful person? They are they Goal driven. Why? Without direction, you can drift through life, letting things just happen to you, or worse, or letting others decide for you.  

Some of us may set goals, but they have no shape, actions, or outcomes. Or we may be setting the bar too low for ourselves. So we achieve goals that are more like 'to-do' actions. The tasks that get us through the day. 

So what do Successful Goals look like? Why are they important, and how to Set Goals?  

What does Success mean to you? 

Many times the thought of Success is one-dimensional. "To be rich, thin, or famous." These may be desires, but are they Goals? And are they the right Goals for you?  

Consider what you want from life.

If you don't know, try working with a Mentor to help you consider your goals. I have several posts on how to Find a Mentor, and Start a Mentoring Process and more.

Goal Setting works.

If you get into the mindset of “creating goals to accomplish your dreams, then you will do just that.”

Goals help you to be the person you want to be. They give life purpose. But you need to know what that purpose should be. So take time to think about your goals. What does Success look like for you? Remember, Success is a subjective measure - it can be anything that gives you purpose, health, or happiness. 

You can also try self-mentorship. I have had great personal Success using the "Future Self Journey" to consider my Goals deeply.

Today, I live the life I imagined for myself over 10 years ago.

So think about where you want to grow or change. Then take action to make it happen. 

               If I can misquote Ben Franklin for a moment - 

Goals are the stuff that life is made of.

How to Start Goal Setting

Getting started can be the hardest part of Successful Goal completion. Fast track your Goal creation with my Free Guide to Goal Setting.

1. Define your Goal

Make 1 long-term and 2-3 short-term goals. 

A long-term Goal generally has a large life impact, takes time to realize, and is made of smaller steps. Many people consider the longer goal part of their life plan.  


  • Get a college education

  • Build a house

  • Become debt-free

A short-term Goal can be a step toward the long-term Goal or something complementary to it.  


  • Apply to a School

  • Read a book on architecture

  • Start a side-hustle

2. Make a Plan

See the Guide to Goal Setting and follow along with making your own plan!

Once you have a Goal, make it real and create actionable steps. Create a Goal Post to help you think about your Goal every day. This will remind you to check the actions you need to focus on for the week.  

Write out your Goal

The term SMART Goal is used a lot (especially from Project Managers). That is because it works. Make it detailed, make it real.

Summarize your Milestones

Milestones are stages within the Goal. These can also be short-term Goals. Milestones create stand-alone moments or Goal Posts that move you closer to your larger Goal.  

Make a Goal Post

Set yourself "Goal Posts" - Something for your wall to look at every day. Make these Goal Posts Meaningful for you. If you like:

Data - use numbers to imagine seeing every day

Words - use a quote you repeat every day

Pictures - draw your new reality 

Create your Action Items

This is where the work gets real. Detail the steps you need and when you need them done. Use my Guide, or use an online tool (like Trello).

3. Make Yourself Accountable

Create accountability by sharing your Plan with others. It can be family or a friend. Some Goals work well using the 'Buddy system.'  

If possible, agree with your Buddy to work toward a shared goal together.  


  • Getting fit? Buddy up to go for a walk twice a week

  • Taking a course? Study together

  • Is friendly competition your thing? Compare your Success and push each other to do even better

If your 'Buddy' and you don't share the same goals, you can still use the process to have someone to report to and cheer you on.  


  • Meet weekly and report on Progress

  • Share outcomes and challenges

  • Celebrate milestones

4. Review your Progress

Set a regular schedule for Plan and Self Assessment.  

Are you achieving your written Plan? Great! Update your chart and check off the completed steps. 

Are you realizing the Goal internally (are you working or feeling different)? Great! Note your Progress in Goal Posts.

If you are not realizing your Plan - take stock of the situation. 

Don't consider these moments of review failure. Consider these lessons learned on the Road to Success! With this mindset, you can work on self-assessment and revising your Plan instead of feeling defeated.  

You know you've got this - you just need to fine-tune things. 

So Consider: 

Is it harder than you thought? 

Review your Plan and add an action every day in your calendar. By setting time aside time in your day using a calendar entry or alarm, you teach yourself that Goals are achieved through regular, small steps.  

Do the steps take more time than initially estimated?

Update your Plan with more realistic timing. Be honest about procrastination. Don't give yourself so much time that you lose momentum. Plan the time you need to give your Goal real effort needed to complete tasks successfully. (Note: successfully, not mean perfectly - do your best and keep moving forward). 

Are you not focused on the Goal?

Did something change in your motivation? Review your Plan and your Why Statement. 

If you are not committed to the idea, what changed? Why? If things have really changed, no worries, life happens, and reset your Goal to one that works for your life now. But don't use 'life happens has a cop out.'  

Check the Roadblocks below to see if something else is keeping you from Success.

If you are still committed to the idea, then ask yourself what is stopping you from your Goal. 

Are you hitting Roadblocks? Assess and update your Goal - Roadblock Action Planner.

How to overcome Goal Roadblocks 

Lacking Confidence? 

Doing small things will give you the motivation to keep going. So break down tasks and use the Goal-Setting Guide to track Success.  

  • Review your Plan: spend time visualizing or meditating on it

  • Meet with your Buddy and review your successes so far

Use the comments below to share your Goal and get a "You've Got This!" from me.

No Time?

This is a big one. Goals take time. We have so little in the day for work, rest, and to action our Goals. How to make time?  

  • Start your day with your Goal action. (Start your day with Success in mind)

  • Stop the time-wasters (I'm talking to you: social media)

  • Build your Time Management Skills (see my tips on how)

Feeling Stress?

Goals may feel stressful because you are growing and challenging yourself. After all, the nature of a Goal is to do something new.  

Check your mindset. Is it an 'out of your comfort zone' stress? In which case, pat yourself on the back. Reward yourself for making changes even when you feel scared.  

If you are overwhelmed by the workload you have set yourself or the feeling of failure, review your Goal plan and make it more reasonable. But keep moving forward.

Doing something new always has an element of stress to it. But the fact is, not setting goals can be equally stressful. Research done by The Harvard Business Review shows that stress is a problem for many people. Especially micro-stress associated with "misalignment of rules and priorities."

In summary, this is stress from requirements and goals that others apply to you. You can minimize the impact of this ‘misalignment stress’ by creating a personal Goal that is aligned with who you are and what you want. Taking charge of your own life, consistent with your values, is the best way to keep the 'pressures from the outside world' in check.   

Still, feeling stressed? 3 more ideas to try:

Keep it small and simple.  Have you overdone it? Update your Plan with smaller and simpler steps.

Example: Instead of "apply to a school," Make it 3 to 5 smaller steps. 

  1. Check the school website.

  2. Gather the required documents.

  3. Create a list of questions for the school.

  4. Call the enrollment office.

  5. Make an appointment with the counselor.

Just making a more detailed list will make you feel more in control. And create clearer actions for you to follow.

Keep it real

Suppose you are overwhelmed by the size of the Goal. Take time to review your objective. You want to aim high, but not so high you lose faith in yourself. Also, consider if the Goal is meant to be achieved.

"A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at." – Bruce Lee

I agree with Bruce Lee (who wouldn't?). I have been successful with goals that are partially reached. Goals are not about perfection but about progress. Maybe I will realize my Goal, but maybe it has been realized. If needed, re-evaluate your Success. 

Give yourself Grace

Nobody's perfect, and sometimes "life happens while you are busy making other plans." So be kind to yourself and keep moving forward toward your Goal. Even if you ‘trip and fall’, get up and keep going.

5. Celebrate and Create a new Goal

Your life is a journey. So enjoy your progress and celebrate the milestones. And when you reach that Goal - make it a big deal.  

Reward the fact that you have:

  • Created a plan and achieved it

  • Grown as a person

  • Taken charge of your life

You have done something only about 3% of the population does.  You Rock!

Meeting your Goal felt good, am I right? So make a new one that takes on your next Challenge. You have a new life journey ahead. Good luck!

I would love to know if this information was inspirational or helpful to you. If you want to share your Goal - please do! Let me know if you have questions or if there is a point I didn't cover. And I will update the Guide to include your ideas and input.

Thanks for your time!