Managing Burnout: A Guide for Mentors, Coaches, and Managers
Discover how mentors and coaches can identify burnout, provide actionable support, and avoid common pitfalls. Learn what mentors and managers can do to support recovery while fostering balance, productivity, and well-being. What you need to know. How to help. And practical tips that work.
A Guide to Managing Toxic People
Do you deal with toxic people? Learn how to assess the situation, stop the drama and set clear boundaries. Mentors - learn to teach your mentees how to stop toxic co-workers in their tracks. Meet 5 personalities every manager and mentee will encounter. Empower yourself to handle workplace conflicts with confidence!
Flip the Mentoring Paradigm: Try Reverse Mentoring
Mentoring is an important way for a junior to get assistance from a senior manager. But can leaders benefit from mentoring advice and insights from a more junior or new employee? Absolutely! Find out how both parties can benefit and how to get started here with my new Guide to Reverse Mentoring.
The Power of Coaching and Mentoring
How to coach and mentor - skills every manager needs to succeed. Do Managers need coaching and mentoring skills? What’s the difference between coaching and mentoring? What models work best? Get free downloadables to help you get started.