How to use a PERT Chart in Project Management

Project Managers use PERT charts to create realistic schedules by coordinating activities and estimating their duration. PERT charts are useful for project planning when the duration of activities is unknown.

This article takes you through everything you need to know to put together your own PERT chart which examples, templates and more.

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How to use Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management?

WBS or Work Breakdown Structure is the most common approach to planning. Managers use this approach for both simple and complex Projects. Learn what WBS is, how to create a WBS project plan and how it can help your project. I give examples, detailed steps to starting, creating and checking your WBS, as well as links to additional resources.

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Project Constraint Management: 7 aspects to watch

Project Constraint Management is a critical process to your Success. A Project Team needs to work together to evaluate product changes and compensate impact with the other components of the project to stay on time and on budget with the right scope. Find out how in this article which breaks down the key project constraints and gives examples of decisions manager are faced with every day.

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