Mentoring New Managers
What do new managers need to know to be successful? How can leaders mentor new managers to help them learn the art of servant leadership. Review the key aspects all young managers need to know and skills they need to learn, practice and master to become future leaders.
How to build your Personal Authority
Your Personal Authority is part of what makes you a Leader. Authority is a capability you can build and grow within yourself. Learn what makes authority transformational to you on your leadership journey.
How to Network
Ready to start Networking again? Building professional relationships with customers, suppliers, people in your industry or professional organizations is key to your long term success. But if you have gotten out of practice the last few years, or want to get started, I have got the tips and tricks you need to get going.
Five ways to be a Better Mentor
Are you mentoring but feel there is room for improvement? There always is - and the fact that you want to improve is a great start to making it happen. What are 5 ways every mentor can improve to make the process and the outcome better for both the mentor and the mentee. Get my practical tips and free downloadable to help you make your next mentoring session even better.
How to overcome Self-Doubt and the Imposter Syndrome
Self-doubt and the imposter syndrome can rob you of your confidence, productivity and happiness. In fact, self-doubt hurts you far more than you may realize. Review 3 ways that self-doubt can impact you and how you can self-mentor your way through a process of discovery and recovery to punch self-doubt in the face,
How to write a Resume | Tips to help you get the job you want
Self-Mentoring includes knowing yourself, but also how to sell your skills and services—and knowing the market value of your work. Creating a Resume (or CV) is part of this self-mentorship awareness, knowledge, and action. Who needs a resume? Everyone - even if you are not looking for a job, you need to keep current on your value. This can help you be ready during performance or salary discussions and when opportunity knocks elsewhere.
How to Start Mentoring
Ready for Mentoring? Get started with my free downloadable Workbook. This updated version provides you the tools you need to manage the full Mentoring lifecycle.
Not convinced that Mentoring is for you? You may not be aware of the benefits of Mentoring. Did you know that mentoring increases overall performance, improves career advancement, and provides higher work-life satisfaction? Mentoring brings these benefits to both the mentor and the mentee. Make mentoring part of your plan - get started here!
How to create a Successful Mindset
Getting the right mindset will help you be more successful. This isn't easy, but it is important. And what is important is worth your time. I have 7 steps to helping you get your head in the right place. The Importance of the right mindset can make all the differenced:
Put your energy toward positive outcomes
Become a more valuable employee
Build a Virtuous cycle of change
Life Coaching: New Year, New You!
Are you ready to improve your life? Then let me share a way to assess your life and make a plan to change, grow, and improve your life for the future. I want to share my Life Coaching plan and my free downloadable Guide to help you assess where you are today and where you plan to get to.
A happier and more successful you is possible. Understanding what you want and how to action your goal is proven to help you achieve more. It just takes focus and understanding what your motivations are. So let’s get started!
Negotiation Skills: How to help others learn to get what they want
How to coach someone who wants to improve their negotiation skills?
I take you through Negotiation principles, provide a process, and give you tips on the art and science of Negotiation.
Using my free downloadable Coaching Guide, I set out a ‘plan on a page’ to show you how the coaching can be planned, executed and documented. This format also provides the mentee with their content framework for managing the negotiation discussions.
Mentoring and Mental Health: A positive connection
The act of mentoring gives time for discussion, reflection and may include life skills such as meditation and journaling. Mentoring can raise awareness, and provide help in addressing them with practical action plans. All of these processes can help to improve the mental health of a mentee.
Let's explore:
How can mentoring help?
How can Mentors be aware of this aspect of Mentorship?
What Tips help with Mentorship and Mental Health?
How to Build your Team’s Soft Skills
Soft Skills, also called interpersonal skills or social skills, are important for Managers and Team members. How can you ensure your team has all the behavioral tools they need to succeed? Coaching staff is a great way to do this. I take you through models, examples and give practical advice to help you focus your team on how to leverage their strengths and improve weak points that may be holding them back. Working with your team to let them assess, act, try, fail and try again, will give them the confidence they need to build new skills. And a team in the learning mode who can work well together is a Project Managers dream team.
The Importance of Goals and how to Achieve them
What does Success mean to you? Many times the thought of Success is one-dimensional. "To be rich, thin, or famous." These may be desires, but are they Goals? And are they the right Goals for you?
Use my free Downloadable Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals to map your goals, address potential roadblocks and create a path for Success.
Leadership Styles & Behaviors to make you a Better Leader
How can you improve your performance? How can you make the right impact on your Team? By learning the 7 Leadership Styles and related Behaviors you can create awareness of your style, and how it impacts others. You will understand what is good about each style and pitfalls to watch for. Build your capability to be a Visionary Leader, A Charismatic Leader, A Role Model, A Coach, or a Change Agent. Use the free downloadable guide to assess yourself and take action.
Mentoring versus Coaching
How Mentoring different to Coaching? When Coaching can be the best tool? Information every Project Manager needs to unlock the potential of their team. By creating the right environment to let your team ask for help, learn to address problems proactively, and build their confidence to follow the solutioning process on their own. Learn the key steps to coaching and how to start using the approach with your team today.
Essential Leadership Skills for Project Managers - 7 principals to build and share
Leadership Skills are core to Project Management Skills. What are these skills? Why are they important? How to Mentor new Managers to build them? Learn the 7 Essential Skills and learn how to teach them to others. Up your Leadership game today!
Mentoring Women Leaders
Leadership Mentoring is critical to the growth of the next generation of leaders. This is even more true for the future of women in leadership. Project Managers are leaders who have been under represented. I uncover the myths, bring out the facts, and discuss how we can clear the roadblocks to growth. I also provide 4 practical solutions to start to level the playing field.
Please join the conversation and share your thoughts and experiences.
3 Ways Peer Mentoring makes you Smarter
Peer Mentoring has the power to get and give help to those around you. Get in the groove with your team or build skills through local or online communities can make you a better listener, learner, and teacher. Find out how here and get the free guide to peer mentoring made easy.
Mentoring Process: The Secret to your Mentorship Success
A Step by Step Guide to Mentoring for both Mentors and Mentees. We cover the steps to getting started.
Mentoring can and should be beneficial to both parties. But many are unsure how to get started. I will take you step -by-step through preparation, your first meeting, and how to ensure you manage the mentorship for success. If you are mentoring or being mentored - I have got you covered.
Self-mentoring: Future Self Journey
Your Future Self Journey answers the questions you you have about your future. Do you know what you want from life? Do you know how to get it? I take you through the process from start to finish. You will understand, how to use and benefit from a Future Self Journey. And what it can do to make your goals clearer and more actionable. I also give you the tools you need to take your own journey.